Crafting the best urban driving experience.
Mapbox offers powerful tools & APIs to create rich navigation experiences. Most of these services enable developers to build navigation experiences in their own apps — until we built our own in-house app, “Apex”, our take on showcasing the smoothest urban driving experience.
The opportunity: Our potential partners were locked into using pricy and rigid services for their navigation experiences within their apps. How do we show the Ubers, Lyfts, and Amazons of the world that we can provide a customized, seamlessly integrated navigation platform and best-in-class user experience?
We convened a cross-functional team with myself as the UX lead for the project, kicked off a thorough research project with in-person interviews, ridealongs, and quantitative data to power our initial design sprint. We launched a beta internally and added features on an iterative basis, and as we polished the design and refined the interactions we sent it to our partners try out. The sell: instead of using an expensive, non-customizable, clunky UI that a Google might provide—envision this experience seamlessly built into the UX flow of your app, every knob tweakable and easily setup to be tailored to your brand.